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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

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Biei Seibinomori

The museum "Seibi no Mori", which uses the former Seibi Elementary School, will reopen on April 27th. *To enter the m……

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Aizome Yui-no-mori

We produce indigo and dye in the rich natural environment of Biei Hokkaido. Indigo dyeing experience is for all ages, in……

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ABE Shunichi Gallery

Expressing the expansive landscapes of Biei throughout the 4 seasons

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AntaaLab is a place that connects people who wish to hand over their furniture and tools that they have cherished for a ……

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Ikoi-ga-mori Park

Located on a hill not far from downtown Biei, this observation park is a popular spot for viewing cherry blossoms. Durin……

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Location of the film 'Ai wo tsumu hito'.

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丘のまち郷土学館 美宙(みそら)

Biei Provincial Museum "Misora"

Biei Provincial Museum "Misora" is a facility that provides a place for everyone to learn about history as well as natur……

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Here is a workshop facing nature. At our gallery, Kaikuu-gama, always display not only vessels in daily life, but also ……

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ガラス工芸 D’arte (ダルテ)

Glass Crafts D’arte

Glass Craft

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Kannno Farm

Flower fields spread out on a hill along Highway 237. This flower farm is located on a hill on the border between Kamif……

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