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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

Notice for Visitors to the Christmas Tree


We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued understanding and support for tourism in the town of Biei. Thanks to everyone’s cooperation, many visitors have been able to enjoy the charm of our town.

However, regarding the matter at hand, in recent years, the roads surrounding the Christmas Tree in winter have become heavily congested. This road is a route for Biei Town’s school buses and also serves as an essential pathway for local residents.

To ensure the safety of everyone and reduce the risk of traffic accidents, we have decided to establish specific rules for parking and stopping as outlined below.

Applicable Period: Friday, December 20, 2024 – Sunday, March 2, 2025

  1. The road in front of the Christmas Tree is designated as a pedestrian-only viewing area.
    Please refrain from stopping or parking vehicles here.
  2. For passenger cars, please park in a single line beyond the T-junction.
  3. For buses, passenger drop-off and pick-up are only allowed after turning at the T-junction.
    Please refrain from waiting while parked on the roadside. Alternative parking and U-turn areas are designated at “Shinei-no-Oka” and “Bibaushi Station.”

Please refer to the attached map for an overview and location details.

Security personnel and signs will be positioned on-site to help guide traffic. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Biei Town Tourism Association Office
Address: 1-2-14 Honmachi, Biei Town, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido
Phone: 0166-92-3910