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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

A request to all visitors


Snow fields in Biei seems like a huge and wide park, but most of the lands are actually private properties, which are belonged to farmers. In order to be able to pass-on these rural landscapes to future generations, it is important never to encroach into the farmers’ fields and to always view the scenery and enjoy taking photographs from the areas shown on the third and forth pictures.

For those whom visit Biei for the first time, we provide some case examples as your references. First and Second pictures are the worst cases. If you wish to take photos, please stand at the place where snow is removed (shown in the third picture) or stand behind the street pole in white and red (shown in the forth picture).
With your cooperation, snow field with the wind-wrought patterns and animal footprints can be seen, and farmers can start farming in spring smoothly. Please enjoy this beautiful nature art with love and care. Thank you for your cooperation.