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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

Purple Lupines

In a landscape full of green,
bright pink and purple flowers catch the eye…

Look, in the distance! There’s a beautiful field of purple and pink swaying… what could that bright colour be?

These are lupines, one of Biei’s seasonal flowers and among the first summer flowers to bloom.

Lupines really stand out when they start to flower in June. This is because at this time, most of Biei’s fields are a bright green. The wheat has not yet begun to change to its golden colour, and potato, beet and bean crops are still young and vibrant.

Biei’s hills in June– a patchwork of greens!

But when you come across patches of these wonderful flowers, you can’t miss them! Their tall blooms and bright colours pop against the rolling green hills and they offer a beautiful contrast with June’s clear blue skies.

Lupines swaying in the wind. In the background, Mt. Tokachi, the active volcano watching over Biei.

These lupines stretch up to the sunny sky.

There is a famous British comedy sketch performed by a certain popular troupe in the 1970s where a character is obsessed with lupines. We understand how he feels! These bright colours are enough to bring anyone cheer. They give us a taste of Biei’s beautiful flowers to come!

These lovely lupines are blooming in a Biei local’s garden.

You can find lupines in bloom all over Biei’s hills in June. Go for a drive or a cycle, and you’ll surely come across them growing at the roadsides!

However, for the best views of lupines and to take your time enjoying them, why not visit Shikisai-no-Oka, Biei’s popular tourism flower garden?


Shinsei dai-3, Biei, Kamikawagun, Hokkaido
April to May/October 9:00~17:00
June to September 8:30~18:00
An entrance fee of 500yen (300yen for children) applies from July ~ September.

Why not take a wander in Biei’s hills in search of lupines?

In the San’ai area of Biei, near to San’ai-no-Oka view park, there are many colourful lupins blooming in the hills!

We offer a guided walking tour of this area. Why not join one of Biei’s knowledgeable guides for a pleasant stroll, hunting colourful lupines as you go?

Patchwork Hills Walking Tour
(San-ai-no-Oka View Park Course)

Late April – Mid November
Approx. 2 hours
Adult fee ¥3,000
Child fee ¥2,500 (Under 11 years old.)
※Single participant fee applies ( Adult ¥5,000)