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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

A log-house restaurant on Patchwork Hill.

We, restaurant Blanc Rouge, serve specific dish with local vegetables.
Beef stew which is stewed in potherbs and red wine for a long time and demiglace sauce is added to make it a "rich dish" is most recommended.
Rice is "Nanatsuboshi" from Biei procured from a local farmer, and bread is homemade using wheat from Biei.
"Simmered young chicken and cabbage" using chicken from Hokkaido is refreshing-taste, and dishes using local potatoes from Biei are also very popular.
It is located in a wooded area and like a hideaway, so please enjoy your meal.
Please feel free to come with small children or pets (using only the terrace).

주소 Omura Murayama, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
액세스 5 min. by car from JR Biei Station
주차장 Available (free)
영업시간 All year round
영업시간 July–August
11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.  *Reservation in advance is required for dinner.
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.  *under preparation

Other months
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Last order at 4:30 p.m.)
휴무일 Thursday *except during "Golden Week" and Japanese Obon
late November - late April:irregular closed

★In 2023, normal operations will starts on 8 April.
★Closed from March 28 to April 7
전화번호 +81-166-92-5820
웹사이트 http://biei-blanc.sakura.ne.jp/


요금 Beef stew : 1,150 yen
Beef stew set: 1,500 yen
Beef stew course menu 2,050 yen
기타 【Information about lunch menu 】
Beef stew: ¥1150 / ¥1500 (set) / ¥2,050 (course)
Simmered chicken with cabbage: ¥950 / ¥1300 (set)/ ¥1,850 (course)
Potato curry rice: ¥650
Beef Stew on the rice: ¥880

Croc Monsieur with one Drink: ¥1,150

*Potato Dishes*
Potato dofinoise (potato gratin): ¥650
Potato salad: ¥450
Vichyssoise (potato soup): ¥450

Homemade cake: ¥420
※Various drinks: ¥250~※
Beer: from ¥400
Wine: from ¥350

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