글자색 변경

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문자 크기 변경

  • 文字を小さくする
  • 文字を大きくする

観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

We sell 250 kinds of postcards by 25 artist mainly including local amateurs, and handmade goods.
There is a book café for reading books.
We only have single and double seats.

주소 1-1-26 Minami, Bibaushi, Biei, Kamikawa, Hokkaido
액세스 A minute walk from JR Bibaushi Station
주차장 Available (free) 
영업시간 All year round
영업시간 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
휴무일 The opening calendar can be found on our website and official Facebook.
전화번호 +81-90-8902-8054
웹사이트 http://www.bibaushi.jp/ehagakikan/

요금 Japanese traditional food FU (wheat flour gluten)
lunch with tea and rice flour cookies... 1000 yen
Rice ball and miso soup... 600 yen
Homemake original snack... 300 yen
Various drinks (with rice flour cookies)... 500 yen
기타 *Brown rice ball with Japanese miso soup
*All-natural snacks (no sugar, flour, or animal products)

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