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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

Concept="Picnic in the Forest"

"BETWEEN THE BREAD" is a hamburger shop located in nature surrounded by the majestic Daisetsuzan Mountain Range.
We offer freshly made hamburgers in a take-out style, using ingredients from Biei town, where the water and air are clean.
The restaurant has an eat-in space with 30 seats inside and 40 seats outside on a terrace surrounded by woods.
Please enjoy your stay.

주소 Shirogane Biruke Biei Hokkdaido
액세스 20mins by car from JR Biei station
주차장 Available (free)
영업시간 All year round
영업시간 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (vary depending on the season)
휴무일 Open throughout the summer *Please inquire during winter season.
전화번호 +81-166-73-5725
웹사이트 http://betweenthebread.jp/


요금 Hamburger ¥1,166〜
Other set menus and side dishes are available.
기타 Credit cards and many types of electronic payments are accepted.

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