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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 向各位旅客的請求

Hand-made pasta Douglas fir

Enjoy pasta hand-made with flour from Hokkaido wheat, together with seasonal Biei vegetables.

Biei red-barley pasta available only at this restaurant.

地址 Misawa Kyowa, Biei-cho, Hokkaido
交通 5 min. by car from JR Biei Station
停車場 Available (free)
營業期間 Mid-Apr.–late Oct.
營業時間 From 11:30 a.m. until pasta runs out
公休日 Every Thurs. (closed in winter) 
電話 +81-166-92-1806

價格 ・Pasta menu \950–\1,000
・Bread (piadina) is topped with lard, rosemary and finely chopped garlic
・Lunch contents: pasta + salad + drink + chiffon cake (see the blackboard for the type of pasta) Chiffon cake set \550 (chiffon cake and coffee or tea) (chiffon cake changes each week)
・Homemade additive-free chiffon cake made with free-range fertilized chicken eggs
其他 FREE WIFI Available/We accept credit cards.
